

Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.



Montessori Sections Std-I to Std-II Std-III TO STD-V Std-VI to Std-IX Std. X Pre Board Routine NOTE : You are requested to collect ADMIT CARD from the School office on & from 2nd December '24 onwards. You are requested to clear 3rd Quarter Fees with Fine on & before collecting the Admit card. Please note Reporting Time during exam days is Montessori : 7.50AM | STD-I to X : 10.45AM.

TIME TABLE FOR FA II 2024-252024-11-25T17:36:25+05:30



NOTICE : In view of the State Government's advice the classes in campus are suspended herewith and instead 'online' classes will be held from tomorrow, April 18, 2023. Click Link to Download Online Class Schedule : Click Here

ONLINE CLASSES NOTICE : Heat Wave2023-04-17T18:06:15+05:30

NOTICE..📢SA-2 Result Declaration


Dear Parents, Please note the Summative Assessment-2 Result Declaration along with PTM as per the following schedule : CLASS DATE DAY TIMING STD I – STD II 18.03.2023 SATURDAY 12.00PM – 1.00PM STD III – STD IV 19.03.2023 SUNDAY 9.00AM – 10.00AM STD V – STD VIII 19.03.2023 SUNDAY 12.00PM – 1.00PM MONT I – MONT III 18.03.2023 SATURDAY 9.00AM – 10.00AM

NOTICE..📢SA-2 Result Declaration2023-03-17T20:35:51+05:30

✌Congratulations to our 🥇First Batch of IGCSE 10th.


Congratulation! You have attained IGCSE World’s most prestigious class X qualification Assessed By : Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) U.K CAIE Qualification is accepted in over 160 countries And 8.00 million Students all over the world is Cambridge students We are proud our students are also Cambridge Scholars!!

✌Congratulations to our 🥇First Batch of IGCSE 10th.2022-11-07T16:55:15+05:30

Stars Night Galaxy Awards Audition


AUDITION: Stars Night Galaxy Awards Category: Kids Extravaganza | Fashion Show Age Group : 3 yrs to 10 yrs. Date of Audition : 22.02.2022 Timing : 12PM to 4PM Venue : St. Xavier's Public School, Bagnan For Details Call 7992257022 / 9474691748 Grand Finale at Jw Merriott, Kolkata on 27.02.2022 (Sunday)

Stars Night Galaxy Awards Audition2022-02-21T11:16:43+05:30

Notice : Christmas cum Winter Vacation


All Students (MONT - STD VIII) are hereby informed that Christmas cum Winter Vacation will commence from 20.12.21 and will end on 31.12.21. The Online classes will reopen on Monday, January 3, 2022. You are also hereby notified that Results of FA II will be declared at the time mentioned below along with the PTM: CLASS DATE TIMING MONT I – MONT III 23.12.2021 12.00 PM – 2.00 PM STD I – STD IV 24.12.2021 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM STD V – STD VIII 24.12.2021 1.00 PM – 3.00 PM   Students of Std. IX to XII will come to [...]

Notice : Christmas cum Winter Vacation2021-12-16T11:05:22+05:30

HP & Microsoft Presents ‘Future Ready Podcast Activity’


We are going to participate in an event sponsored jointly by HP & Microsoft on 'Future Ready Podcast Activity' on 10.12.2021 Time: 11.00AM to 12.00PM Student Participants: Std VI to Std XII (as audience & participant in Quiz competition) Teachers: All participants will receive E certificate Topics: Artificial intelligence, Machine Language, Virtual Reality etc. Briefing by their experts: Cloud computing and other inter related topics. Students must prepare for quiz specially on AL, ML, 3D Printing, Cloud computing etc. Click Link to Register Click Here

HP & Microsoft Presents ‘Future Ready Podcast Activity’2021-12-07T17:37:15+05:30

Awarded BENGAL PRIDE AWARD in the Category of BEST SCHOOL


Yes we did it... We are now a Pride of Bengal St. Xavier's Public School has been awarded BENGAL PRIDE AWARD in the category of BEST SCHOOL by Brajvandana Foundation supported by DPIIT. The event was graced by Bollywood celebrities viz. Aditi Govitrikar, Shakti Kapoor Altaf Raja and many other big shots from political field. It could not have been possible without all our School's Teachers, Guardians & Well Wishers #bengalprideawards #BestSchool #BestSchoolAward

Awarded BENGAL PRIDE AWARD in the Category of BEST SCHOOL2021-11-22T22:18:19+05:30

Teacher’s Home Visit Programme


OUR INITIATIVE : Teachers home visits are continuing to see traction as a way to not only simply improve relationship with students but rather begin the school year ‘on even ground' with families and communities. We are proud to announce that our Teachers/ Counselors will visit your home to motivate and counsel your Ward personally. Interested parents are requested to invite us as per your convenience through the given link.

Teacher’s Home Visit Programme2021-11-10T19:29:43+05:30